Friday 18 December 2015

Jittery About Speaking in Front of the Class?

For many students, especially slow readers or English language learners, nothing brings on sweating and stuttering faster than speaking or reading in front of the class.
Valley of Death Where Birds commit Suicide Jatinga Assam India
People having great experience in teaching found that it was important to identify this fear and encourage a student to face it, instead of letting a nervous reader stay silent. “They always tried to s accept the fear as real, never to shout on them. “When they asked student for oral reading, everyone was presume to engage in that activity. Unenthusiastic readers could opt out after one sentence if they chose.”'
Amazing Leeches that have 32 Brains with Six to Eight pairs of Eyes
In Helen D'Souza's  English classroom, she often reads a loud, allowing less proficient readers to hear how she pronounces difficult words. As much as possible, she lets her students choose what they want to read. And when her class reads a book together, gives lots of background information, helping her students integrate the work into their lives.“This helps with any kind of subject one is afraid of,” she says. “Any background knowledge you can give ahead of time is necessary. It puts the kids at ease.”
The strongest creatures on Earth that can pull 100,000 times their own body weight: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
To help students become more confident reading or speaking in front of others, Ron Benner suggest that, as with any fear, small steps are essential. “Get students to speak in front of a friend they know, someone they trust, and slowly bring in more and more people until they can do it in front of the class,” he says. “Sometimes little steps get to the proposal a lot quicker than a more forceful approach.”
Army Ants commit mass suicide by making Circle of Death
Whether tests or trigonometry make a student’s knees shiver, teachers can be valuable supporter in the fight to face up to classroom fears.
 “Basically, it’s crucial to let the class know you’ve been afraid of stuff, too. The teacher is a human being, we have the same anxieties they have and have lived through these things. Putting yourself out there will make you more attainable to them, and they’ll in turn be more approachable to you,” says Mrs. D'Souza.
The Amazing City Here everyone is talking to Ghosts

To overcome this issue we need to put our self at student position and make them comfortable by telling the real world example of people who take time to get huge success at life. Make them believe that everyone take their time to solve problem in different manner so take your time but solve the issue don’t afraid of it.

Temple Of Rats where they are worshipped Karni Mata Temple Rajasthan
 Amazing Information

Thursday 17 December 2015

Why Online Learning is Vital to mend the process of Education.

In today’s world online education takes important part in student life, who wants to succeed in life and career. One who doesn’t know how to use available resources in efficient way is most probably lacking behind in competition. To be in competition one must follow some basic steps which leads him forward in real life situation like studies, competitive exams and getting jobs.
Bermuda Triangle Where Ships and Airplanes disappeared under Mysterious Circumstances
Online Tutor and paid tuition is not affordable for everyone. No one can take best training available in market because of economic conditions. If he or she is financially sound, then more than half of the people cannot allocate fund for separate subject teacher other than school education because School education now-a-day  are very costly.
Magnetic Hill that Pull Cars uphill against Gravity
Now every school is brand specific and students have to raise his standard according to school. They cannot deny any facility cost that they do not require because of school mandatory policies. If they do then it may affect them in various ways.
Temple Of Rats where they are worshipped Karni Mata Temple Rajasthan
From every side, student feels like prisoner. He needs to come out from this situation himself. For this he/she needs to develop easy way of learning and evolving for free. Here are some points that he/she can follow to achieve high learning without being an economical burden on parents.

Unsolved Mystery of Black Hole a Star Eater

1. Find free online education sites which deals with your subject and provide free high content. Make notes from them and bookmark that site for further studies. You can also subscribe that site RSS feed, email list and social sites page like FB Twitter so that you get updated with latest information right on your inbox.

Planet with Two Suns with Dual Sun Sets and Rise

2. Join Discussion group and discuss your concept with them. Today’s in most discussion group, concept is explained by subject expert which is either paid or they make free contribution to help people.

World’s Most Amazing Natural Events The “Rain of Fish”: Lluvia de Peces
3. Join Question answer group and Ask Question in public domain related to your query in most suitable group which suits your needs. In such sites answer is given by random people of that category where question asked.
4. Make online mobile group on app like WhatsApp to share your link and video and get updated with the latest information on your subject. Add your teacher also so that they can guide you as per the situation.
5. Join competitive online sites and practice online multiple choice questions online with explanation and prepare yourself for competitive examination.

Sailing Stones of Death Valley National Park California

6. Share your all website information that you visited with your group so that people who not visit that site will update their knowledge base. This practice makes your online information up to date.
Preserved Thousand-year-old raw Eggs a Delicacy of China: Century Eggs

These entire steps make you self-reliable in digging knowledge from internet and teach the valuable internet searching technique. This will decrease your dependability on specific books .After passing school or college you always set a trend by explaining information to people in most easy and efficient way. All these point do not require any penny and helps to make student self-reliable without being a financial burden.
Sailing Stones of Death Valley National Park California

Indonesian Dani Tribe who cut own Finger to show Grief


Friday 11 December 2015

6 Ways Google Webmaster Tools Can Improve Your SEO Strategy

Most search experts rely on Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) to analyze the technical aspects of a website. These experts focus on data like crawl stats, page errors and rich snippets.
In addition to technical analysis, I recommend using GWT for basic on-page SEO improvements. Here are 6 easy ways to use Webmaster Tools to improve your on-page SEO.

1. HTML Improvements

Under Search Appearance, you will find HTML Improvements. This report provides a snapshot of any issues with your site’s meta descriptions and title tags, along with a record of any content that isn’t indexable.
HTML Improvements
In the SEO world, we know that it’s important to have unique meta descriptions and optimized title tags. This report allows you to easily identify title tag/meta description issues and prioritize your efforts.
For example, in the screenshot above, you can see that 634 pages have a duplicate title tag. If I were to click on the “Duplicate title tags” link, I’d be taken to a screen listing all 634 pages, giving me a quick and easy way to identify page titles that need to be updated.

2. Content Keywords

Under Google Index, you’ll find Content Keywords. This tool allows you to determine not what you think your site is about, but how Google sees it.
It shows the keywords that are used on your site, along with keyword variations and significance. These data help you quickly determine if you need more content created around certain keywords, themes and topics. It also shows which pages the keywords appear on. Very helpful! (See the examples below; keywords were shaded out due to confidentiality.)

Content KWs
3. Structured Data

Structured data is a helpful way to explain the content of your website to the search engines — which can, in some cases, can help with rankings and traffic. If you have structured data on your site, GWT has a feature that shows the type of structured data that Google was able to detect on your site, along with the URLs containing each type. You can find this report under Search Appearance > Structured Data.
Structured Data
Note: This tool includes only the top-level entities discovered on a page. For example, if your page contains a that in turn contains a, only the Event item will be counted.

4. Data Markup Helper

Under Other Resources, the Structured Data Markup Helper allows you to tag the data fields for events, products and more on your site.
If you aren’t sure where to begin with structured markup, this is an easy to use point-and-click tool. The nice part about this is that HTML changes are not required. Your mouse highlights and tags each key piece of data on the appropriate page of your website.
Data Markup Helper
5. Sitemaps

The Sitemaps section allows you to view all the sitemaps that you’ve added (or Google found) along with statistics such as the last date it was processed and the number of pages submitted and indexed.  These stats can be viewed by content-type, meaning Web, video, images and news.
Another great feature is the sitemap test option; you provide the URL of a sitemap, and Google scans it, quickly detecting any errors that need to be fixed.

6. Removing URLs

If you need to remove a URL from Google’s index, you can use the Remove URLs feature in Webmaster Tools. This can be a very powerful tool, but use with caution! Only use this tool if you want to permanently remove a URL (as opposed to redirecting it).
Google gives a great example in their help section — if you have accidentally displayed confidential information such as a credit card number and you need to have a page removed, you can request expedited removal of the URLs. You will find this tool under “Google Index” in the left-hand navigation.

Webmaster Tools For Fast, Easy On-Page SEO Fixes

I find that these tools help me prioritize SEO improvement efforts and reduce analysis time. But these six features just scratch the surface of what Google Webmaster Tools has to offer. I encourage you to explore the ways in which GWT can help you implement an effective on-page SEO program.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Days Years - General Knowledge Questions and Answers

January 15 is celebrated as the
A. Republic Day
B. Ugadhi
C. Teachers' Day
D. Army Day
Answer: Option D
1 .World Human Rights Day is observed on
A. April 8
B. December 10
C. December 7
D. September 5
Answer: Option B

2. 1981 was the international year of the
A. Disabled
B. Women
C. Children
D. Blind
Answer: Option A

3.Nagasaki day is celebrated
Answer: Option A

4.World Literacy Day is observed on
A. Sep 5
B. Aug 6
C. Sep 8
D. Oct 24
Answer: Option C

5.Engineers’ Day is celebrated
A. 15-Sep
B. 11-May
C. 22-Dec
D. 24-Oct
Answer: Option A

6.Journalist Day was celebrated for the first time all over the country on
A. Oct. 20, 1984
B. Oct. 1, 1984
C. Oct 28, 1984
D. Oct. 8, 1984
Answer: Option C

7.Which day is observed as World Food Day?
A. September 10
B. August 16
C. November 4
D. October 16
Answer: Option D

8.Which year is observed as Poverty Eradication Year by SAARC?
A. 1998
B. 1997
C. 1996
D. 1995
Answer: Option D

9.India Celebrates February 28 every year as 'National Science Day' because on this day
A. first Indian Space craft was launched
B. Nehru laid the foundation of Science labs all over India
C. in 1928 C.V. Raman discovered what was later called the 'Raman Effect'
D. Vikram Sarabhai was born
Answer: Option C

General Knowledge Questions and Answers from General Science

Frequently asked GK questions from General Physics, Science and Biology

1. "Optical Phenomenon" in the fringe pattern of CD is

2. Celsius and Fahrenheit show the same temperature at
Ans : 40

3. Exchange particle in Quark-Quark Interaction
Ans : Gluon

4. The working of a rockets based on the principle of:
Ans : Conservation of momentum

5.The pollutants which move downward with percolating groundwater are called
Ans : Leachates

6.Hasdo Valley in Chhattisgarh is famous for
Ans : Coal mines

7. Special Theory of Relative was proposed in

8.Black hole is an object to be found
Ans :   in the sky

Ans : 57.3 degree

10.Fraction of volume of ice seen outside when immersed in water?
Ans :   10.5%

11. The disease " bronchitis " is associated with:
Ans :   Lungs

12. Which colour indicate Highest Temperature?
Ans : Dull red

13. Persons sitting in an artificial satellite of the earth have :
Ans :   Zero weight

14. Light Year is
Ans :   the distance traveled by light in one year

15. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is mainly a mixture of
Ans :   propane and butane

16.The Ozone layer lies in the
Ans :   Stratosphere

17. Most of the light rays inside a tube -light is in the form of
Ans : ultra -violet light

18. Which is the alkalodid that contains in cola drinks?
Ans :   Caffeine

19. The device used for detecting even feeble current:
Ans :   Galvanoscope

20. Anemometer is an instrument used for measuring?
Ans:   Wind speed

Computer based General Knowledge Questions and Answers

1. "The fathers of the Internet" is
Ans : Vint Cerf

2. Which is the news search engine introduced by in 2012?
Ans : Realtime News Search

3. The inventor of the World Wide Web?
Ans : Tim Berners-Lee  --> The first web browser was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was called WorldWideWeb and was later renamed Nexus.)

4. The founder of Netscape Communications?
Ans :  Marc Andreessen   -co-authored Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser and he founded Netscape Communications.

5.Where was the first computer installed in India?
Ans : Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

6.In internet terminology IP means
Internet Protocol

7. The first page of a website is called the
Ans : Home page

8. A website addresss is a unique name that identifies a specific ____________ on the web.
Ans : Link

9. A ______ is a computer attached to the internet that runs a special web server software and can send web pages out to the other computer over the internet.
Ans : Web sever

10. Which software application is used for accessing sites or information on a network ( as the world wide web)?
Ans : Web browser

11. It is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state. What we are talking about?
Ans : Cookie

12. Which  company is nicknamed  "Big Blue" ?
Ans : IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)

13. Which was the first ever web server software?
Ans : CERN httpd(later also known as W3C httpd) - was a web server (HTTP) daemon originally developed at CERN , it live on 25 December 1990.

14. The standard protocol of the Internet is
Ans : TCP/IP

15. The first web based e-mail sevice?
Ans : Hot mail
Sabeer Bhatia of India and Jack Smith founded the first free web-based email service, Hotmail, in 1995. Hotmail was commercially  launched in 4 July 1996 as "HoTMaiL" on American Independence Day. So why the name HoTMaiL.

GK questions from important Inventions in physics and Chemistry

Anderson          Discovered positive electrons.
Archimedes          Discovery of the Principles of lever and of specific gravity; invention of the famous Archimedean screw.
Avogadro           An Italian scientist known for Avogadro’s Hypothesis.
Bacquerel   Radio-activity of uranium.
Baird              Television.
Baron Napier    Logarithms.
Benjamin Franklin  Invented lightning conductor.
Steel smelting process.
Bhabha, Dr H.J.    Research in Cosmic rays and Quantum theory.
Binet                    Intelligence Test.
Birbal Sahni       Researches in Botany.
Bose, J.C.             Invented Crescograph and published many works on plant physiology. He discovered that plants have sense and perception.
Bose, S.N.            Discovery of a group of nuclear particles named after him “Boson”.
Boyle                   Boyle’s law; Pressure x volume = constant at a constant given temperature. Boyle was the greatest scientist of England in his time.
Bohr                    Electron Theory—Atomic structure.
Braun, Dr Wernher von space flying.
Bunsen                        Invention of the spectroscope.
Carothers                    Nylon plastics.
Cavendish                     Discovery of chemical composition of water; discovery of hydrogen (Inflammable Air); ‘rare gases’.
Chadwick                      Discovery of the neutron.
Chandrasekhar              Mathematical Astrophysics.
Charles Darwin             Theory of Evolution; Origin of Species.
Clarke, Arthur C.          Concept of Geostationary Orbit.
Curie, Madame            Discovery of radium.
Dalton                         Atomic theory; laws of chemical combination; law of partial pressures; the law of multiple proportions.
Democritus                   Greek philosopher—(Atomic theory).
Dewar                         Invented cordite, liquid oxygen and introduced thermos flask.
Theory of relativity.
Euclid                            Science of geometry.
Fahrenheit                     Fahrenheit mercury thermometric scale in which freezing point is –32° and boiling point is 212°.
Faraday                        Electromagnetic induction and laws of electrolysis.
Fermi                            Discovered artificial splitting of atoms.
Freud                           Doctrine of Psycho-analysis.
Gay Lussac                  Law of gases.
Gauss                           System of absolute electric measurements.
Good Year                   Discovered the art of vulcanising rubber.
Herschel, William           Discovered the Planet—Uranus.
Hertz                           Electrical waves.
Founder of scientific astronomy.
Discovered the first aniline dye.
Kelvin, Lord                   Dynamical theory of heat.
Khorana, Dr Hargobind  Deciphering the genetic code.
Kodak                           Film and photographic goods.
Lablanc                           Manufacture of washing soda.
Lawrence                       Invention of cyclotron.
Helium gas.
Louis Braille                    Perfected his system of reading and writing for the blind
Marconi                          Wireless telegraphy; radio.
Maria-Montessori             ‘Montessori’ method of teaching children.
Maxwell                           Electro-magnetic Theory of Light.
Meghnad Saha                  Effect of pressure on Radiation through bodies.
Mendel                             Laws of heredity.
Mandeleev                        Periodic Table.
Morse                                Morse system of electric telegraphy.
Newton                              Laws of gravitation; Law of Motion.
Nobel                             Dynamite.
Oliver Lodge                       Physicist. Researches in wireless communications.
Oppenheimer                      Researches in atomic theory.
Otto Hahn                           Discovery of uranium fission.
Parkes                               Celluloid.
Parsons                             Steam turbine.
Pavlov                                  Theory of Conditioned Reflex.
Perkin                                 ‘Mauve dye’.
Pitman                                   Founded the Pitman system of phonographic shorthand.
Planck                                    Quantum theory.
Plimsoll                                   Introduced a line of demarcation on the ships beyond which the ships cannot be loaded.
Priestley                                Discovery of Oxygen.
Raman, C.V.                           “Raman Effect” on polarisation of light and theories on crystals and diamond formation.
Ramanathan                            Molecular scattering of light in fluids.
Ramanujam                             A great Indian mathematician.
Ramsay                                   Discovery of Inert gases such as Argon, Neon, Helium etc.
Ray, P.C.                                  Researches in chemistry.
Regnault                                    Experiments in regard to the physical properties of bodies and their relation to heat.
Roger Bacon                           Gun powder.
Rontgen                                   Discovery of X-rays.
Rohmkorff                                Induction coil.
Rutherford                                 Atomic Research; succeeded in splitting the atom for the first time in 1918.
Shalimar                            Paints.
Stephenson                               British engineer and pioneer in Railways. He was the first to put a locomotive on the line that was able to draw a train of 31 carriages.
Thomson, J.J.                             Discovered electron.
Travers                                      Discovery of Neon gas (Working with Ramsay).
Urey                                         Discovery of Heavy Hydrogen.
Volta                                        Current electricity and electric battery.